FAQ yoga and pregnancy

There are many misconceptions about yoga during your pregnancy these days. At De Yoga Studio we have been guiding pregnant women during their pregnancy for over 15 years, so we are happy to list the facts and fables for you.


Have you practiced yoga regularly in recent months?

Then you can continue your yoga practice during regular yoga classes. This can be done well into your pregnancy.


Keep in mind the following guidelines during your pregnancy:

  • Always inform your teacher (5-10 minutes) before class if you are pregnant or have just given birth. Please don't assume we can see it. This way the teacher can help you and keep an eye on you if necessary.
  • There is no objection to continuing to practice yoga during your pregnancy. However, it is important (depending on the trimester of your pregnancy) to make some adjustments in your yoga practice. Our yoga teachers are all trained in this (sometimes experience experts :-) and can guide you in this.
  • In general, (contrary to popular belief) the dynamic forms of yoga are better for you than the yin yoga classes during your pregnancy. Yin can be good for some women, but usually it is better to engage in more fluid movements and not stay in one pose for more than 5 breaths. If you do choose Yin yoga, give yourself permission to move every now and then during a posture and to make small movements.
  • Focus on strength instead of flexibility. Flexibility is less important than strength, because your body really needs strength during pregnancy and childbirth.
    Another reason why you should not focus too much on flexibility is that you produce the hormone relaxin during pregnancy. This hormone naturally loosens up your joints in preparation for childbirth. So you are already more flexible than normal and therefore need strength to prevent injuries.
  • If you have a strong dynamic yoga background, easyflow classes but also the mysore classes are very suitable during your pregnancy. You then have more time to adjust your postures (during a mysore lesson the teacher can guide you individually) and to ensure that you do not overheat.
  • Provide cooling. Choose a spot near an open window or door. Drink if necessary. Your baby has no cooling system except through you, so make sure you don't overheat. In general: exercise softer and slower - take breaks when needed.



Have you never done yoga before and do you want to start with yoga?

That too is possible. It is not the intention to start with a very dynamic form of yoga. And our advice would be to start after the first trimester of your pregnancy (from week 15). Are you pregnant and do you want to start with yoga at De Yoga Studio? Please contact us.


If you'd like a little more personalized guidance in your pre- or post-natal period, consider booking a private class with our specialist yoga teacher to get you started.